Expert Heat Pump Installation and Repair Services in Edmonton

The future of home comfort is here. Our heat pumps effortlessly switch between heating and cooling, ensuring your home stays cozy year-round. Backed by top-tier energy efficiency and our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.


  • Expertise & Reliability: Our team's combined years of hands-on experience with heat pumps ensures top-notch service. Every installation, repair, and consultation is backed by deep, practical knowledge, ensuring reliability.

  • We emphasize energy efficiency in our heat pump selections. By choosing BILLEE, you experience exceptional comfort with reduced energy consumption, directly leading to savings on your monthly bills.

  • Our heat pumps come with a strong warranty, highlighting our confidence in their longevity and performance. This provides an added layer of reassurance for our customers.

  • Every home is unique, and so are its heating needs. We understand this and provide tailored solutions, ensuring optimal climate control tailored to each individual space.

  • Quality doesn't always have to break the bank. We provide competitive pricing options and flexible financing plans, making our top-tier heat pumps accessible to all.

5 Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Attention

Inconsistent Heating or Cooling

If rooms in your home have noticeable temperature differences or if the system struggles to reach set temperatures, this can indicate issues with the heat pump's efficiency or calibration.

Increased Energy Bills

A sudden or consistent rise in your energy costs, especially during the months you rely on your heat pump the most, can hint at operational inefficiencies or wear and tear that requires attention.

Odd Noises

While all heat pumps make some noise, loud grinding, squealing, or humming sounds are not typical. These can signal mechanical issues or even component failures that need to be addressed.

Frequent Cycling

If your heat pump is constantly turning on and off, it might be struggling to maintain the desired temperature. This frequent cycling can be a symptom of a malfunctioning thermostat or an improperly sized unit for your home.

Ice Build-up

In colder months, it's normal for a little frost to form on the outdoor unit. However, thick ice buildup can indicate problems with the defrost cycle or refrigerant issues.

Benefits of a New Heat Pump

Year-Round Comfort

Heat pumps are versatile systems offering both heating and cooling capabilities. This dual function ensures that you experience consistent comfort throughout every season.

Energy Efficiency

Modern heat pumps are designed to consume less energy while delivering maximum output. By adopting this technology, you stand to enjoy reduced energy consumption and, in turn, lowered energy bills.

Space-Saving Design

Unlike traditional HVAC systems, heat pumps are compact and require less space. Their sleek design can easily integrate into most home aesthetics, making them both functional and visually appealing.


Heat pumps operate by transferring heat rather than burning fuel. This means fewer carbon emissions and a reduced carbon footprint, making them a green choice for homeowners.

Long Lifespan & Durability

Properly maintained heat pumps boast a long operational life. Their durability ensures that you're making a worthwhile investment, securing comfort for years to come.

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